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Useful Links

Compilation of some external links which are relevant for the astronomical comunity.

Tools and archives for astronomy and astrophysics

The NASA Astrophysics Data System

This blog is intended for professional astronomers. The goal of AstroBetter is to provide information and tips about streamlining all the things we need to do Astronomy well.

Astrophysics electronic preprint archive

Astronomy-related Python package that is not part of the astropy core package, but has requested to be included as part of the Astropy project’s community.

Links to basic atomic data required for calculation of the ionization state of astrophysical plasmas and for quantitative spectroscopy.

Astronomical Data Center in Strasbourg

The list is currently archived and maintained by the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) of NRC Herzberg.

An interactive Python 2D ploThis is a guide to the LaTeX markup language. It is intended to form a useful resource for everybody from new users who wish to learn, to old hands who need a quick reference.

An interactive Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.

Ureka is a collection of useful astrThe NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED) provides a multi-wavelength fusion of data for millions of objects outside the Milky Way galaxy.

Collection of databases on fundamental physical constants, atomic and molecular spectroscopy, X-ray and gamma-ray data, nuclear physics, and condensed matter.

For checking object visibility for your telescope proposal.

Ureka is a collection of useful astronomy software that is generally centered around Python and IRAF. The software provides everything you need to run the data reduction packages provided by STScI and Gemini.

Astronomy and astrophysics popular sites

Curious about Astronomy?

Astro News from the Astronomy Now magazine

Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.

This blog is intended Galaxy Zoo is now arguably the world’s best-known online citizen science project, and is certainly the one with the largest number of publications based on citizen scientists input.

NewsCenter is the complete collection of every Hubble Space Telescope news release and its supporting materials, along with tools and resources designed to further your knowledge of astronomy.

Free astronomy resource designed to teach children about the exciting world of outer space.

Weekly news about the night sky and articles on selected astronomical topics

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